Happy Tails for George
May 12, 2014
Georgie has been here for 6 weeks now, so I thought I’d let you know how things are going, and send you some pictures that were taken on 4/19/2014.
George is the happiest dog I’ve ever known, and has an amazing amount of energy. He runs in joyous circles around the yard, sometimes looking up at the sky. He is very interested in birds and tries to chase them. I’ve tried to tell him that dogs can’t fly, but he doesn’t believe me.
He loves to be hugged and petted – he leans into me, moaning and groaning to tell me how happy he is. He does this cute thing where he puts his head and forelegs sideways on the floor, leaves his butt sticking straight up in the air, and pushes himself all the way up the hall with his hind legs, then turns around and comes back down the hall the same way, moaning and groaning the whole time.
I knew when George came to me he still needed some good TLC as he recovered from his Heartworm treatment, his “happy tail” surgery and his thinned coat. His tail has healed very well. His coat continues to fill in, and has become much shinier and softer just in the last 6 weeks. Some of the hairs that have come back on his hind end are white, so he has a salt-and-pepper hind end that is very cute. He is just about at his target weight of 75 lbs. now and is thriving on hypo-allergenic food.
He gets along great with Cindy Lou and Lucas. He is a real sweetheart, and I love him dearly. I’m so glad he joined my pack!