Happy Tails for Summer
January 28, 2007
Dear LRR,
It’s been a little over a month since I found my new mom, so I thought I would let LRR know how I am doing. I am pretty fortunate, because my new mom only works 3 ½ days during the week, so I get to spend a lot of time with her. My mom’s cousin, who my mom and I live with, also adopted Samantha from LRR, so I also have a sister to hang out and play with. From the first day I came to my new home, I just knew it was my “forever home”. I have not had any seizures or accidents, and I am as happy as can be. Every time people from LRR see me, they tell me how at peace I look. I don’t have a sad face anymore. I love my mom, sister and my aunt.
My typical day usually starts between 6-7 AM. I pounce on my sleeping mom to wake her up, and both of us go wake up Sam so we can go outside to potty. After that we eat breakfast, and then it is time for a nap. Every day, my mom takes Sam and I for a walk, or if my mom has to go to work, my Aunt takes us. Unless the weather is bad, then we just play in the house or the back yard. I don’t like the rain, it makes my feet wet, but my mom wipes my feet dry and I always sit pretty while she does it. If I have to go potty and it rains, I just go do my business, and then back in. If my mom has to clean the house or something, Sam and I just take another nap. But when I hear a plastic baggie being opened, or smell cooking, I rush into the kitchen (it could be something for me to eat, or something could fall onto the floor for me to grab quickly). When my Aunt comes home from work, the four of us hang out for the evening and watch TV. Sam and I have four warm beds to lay on, but we try to lay on the couches whenever possible. Sometimes Mom and my Aunt want to sit on the couch, so Sam and I have to lay on the “bone beds”. I guess we should let them sit on the couch every once in a while, since they both have jobs and work hard, so they can buy Sam and I food and toys and stuff. At night I sleep on my mom’s bed at her feet. I also have a brother. He is a bunny, and his name is LeBun. He also sleeps in my mom’s room in a cage on top of the dresser. At first I wasn’t too sure about him, but now I am used to all his little noises. I stay away from him though, I don’t want to hurt him. That would make my mom sad, and she has been good to me, so I don’t want to make her sad.
Sam and I have also been fortunate to spend Christmas at our “forever home”. We got lots of treats and toys from some people that my mom and aunt know. That is probably why I gained a few pounds. My mom is watching what and how much I eat, so it will all be good. Anyway, we have a basket full of Kong toys, rope toys, and tennis balls. Sam and I love to get all the toys out of the basket and carefully place them around the living room. My mom plays fetch with Sam and I, and I go retrieve the ball for her. Sam doesn’t know how to retrieve yet, so most of the time I have to help her. But she is slowly learning. I love to spend time with Sam. We give each other lots of kisses. I had to be patient with her at first. When I first met Sam, she was very nervous and barked a lot, but she has since settled and we now have formed a pack. We don’t know yet who is more dominant, but I am sure we will get that figured out eventually. Sam and me have many conversations about that.
This past week I had to go to the vet for my “well check”. I felt like a “labbie rock star” because everyone just had to give me kisses and lots of love. You see, I have been there many times and I know all those people. Everyone I see thinks I am just the most beautiful girl they have ever seen, and of course they are right. My mom brushes me every day and makes sure I look pretty all the time. As an adoption present, my mom bought me two new collars. One for the fall/winter and another for the spring/summer.
I have a mischievous side too. I like to dig in the trash every so often, especially if something yummy is in there. I get in trouble for it, but my mom can’t stay mad at me for too long. I usually just look at her with my pretty brown eyes, and it usually only takes about five minutes, and then she gives me kisses and hugs, and everything is ok. But can they (my mom and aunt) really blame me for wanting to eat some good food, especially if they throw it away? I am all about food, so they should know this by now.
I like to go for car rides. They are fun. I get very excited every time we go someplace. I just sit pretty or lay down. Sometimes I fall asleep. Sam has a little problem in the car. She doesn’t want to sit down. I tell her to sit down so she doesn’t get hurt. She is getting better though, she now sits down after we are off to where we are going.
So as you can see, I am doing great. I have a loving mom, brother, sister and aunt to give me lots of love, kisses and hugs. I have everything I can possibly need and then some. They take care of me and in turn I take care of them. Every time the door bell rings, Sam and I make sure it is not a bad person, but it is always friends of my mom’s or my aunt’s. I am still not too fond of men, but I absolutely love any girls that come to visit. I have settled in quite nicely and sometime soon I will be taking some obedience training. Apparently my mom thinks I need it.
Thank you LRR for taking care of me and getting me back into shape. I was having a rough time when LRR first found me, but they took care of me and gave me lots of love. Thank you also to all my foster families. I made so many friends. I will never forget you and your kindness. Thank you too for giving me my sister Sam. I really love to spend time with her. I love my aunt too, she gives me great rubs and hugs me a lot.
I will keep LRR updated on my future progress. Until then, I send my love, hugs and kisses to everyone at LRR.
Your girl,