Happy Tails for Huey
May 1, 1999
Huey first came to LRR as part of a duo. He and his brother Earl were 14 months old with each over 100 pounds of loveable labby. They had been well cared for pets and only came to LRR when family problems could not be overcome.
We feared finding homes for large, rambunctious labbies might be hard, but it didn’t take long before both found separate loving homes. All seemed to fine until Huey’s Mom got pregnant and began to have nightmares that Huey would hurt the baby. Even though she knew Huey had grown to be a 3 year old calm and affectionate fellow, she suddenly had to be rid of Huey immediately. So, back Huey came to LRR, obviously confused and a little depressed with his sudden abandonment–again! This time, we knew we had to find Huey a “forever home”, and indeed we were fortunate to find a couple with a young dog, Max, in search of an “older brother” for Max. Huey was the perfect fit, and while he has on occasion led his little brother astray for some devious fun, the family can’t imagine life without Huey. He has also made other canine friends, and one, Rexy, even gave him space on his own website so Huey’s story could be told by his Mom. Recently, we received this email on the occasion of Huey’s anniversary:
Hi, LRR! We just passed Huey’s 3rd anniversary (April 20th) as a member of our family, and we thought we would take the opportunity to thank you again for bringing Huey into our lives. A thought occurred to me on his anniversary: I had taken him to an animal acupuncturist to help with his arthritic leg and chronic ear infections. After the acupuncturist heard Huey’s story, he told him what a lucky boy he is to have parents who love him so much. My immediate response was “No, we’re the lucky ones to have him in our lives.” And, it is the absolute truth. He is such a good dog, not that he never misbehaves (because we do occasionally catch him in the act of getting into the trash or chewing something off limits), but he has such a good and loving spirit. I think it may be true that rescued dogs appreciate you so much more, and sometimes, he looks at us with pure love in his eyes, and it helps to put things in perspective. The world would be a better place if everyone had Huey’s eyes to look into everyday. He has brought so much into our lives, and we have you to thank for that. Thank you!!!