Happy Tails for Maddy
August 20, 2012
Maddy’s celebrated her 10th Birthday at the beginning of the summer and we decided to update everyone on how she is doing.
This hasn’t been one of Maddy’s better years but she continues to be a trooper and still has a zest for life even if it is at a little slower pace. Considering Maddy’s high energy antics a little slower pace for her is about a normal pace for everyone else. In the fall Maddy appeared to be having a particular difficult allergy season. After the standard antihistamine didn’t work, we worked with the vet to get rid of the swelling and blisters around her eye. The steroid shot worked great for about 2 weeks but then the blisters and cracked skin around the eyes and nose were back in full force. After a number of tests etc, Maddy’s situation was diagnosed as a rare autoimmune skin disease called Erthematosus pemphigus. This rare disease is found in the herding breeds, collies, border collies, shepards etc. I have tried to explain to Maddy that she shouldn’t have this disease because she as a Lab (retriever not herder) but…
As the weather starting getting warmer Maddy started having difficulties breathing. Again after a couple of trips to the vet Maddy was diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis. This is a degenerative disease that is exasperated when Maddy gets excited. Unfortunately as soon as anyone looks at, talks to or is around Maddy she gets excited, which then has Maddy gasping for air.
Maddy has been struggling to keep weight on and her coat has been looking thin. During one of the many visits to the vet her blood work came back with no detectible reading on her thyroid readings. With medication her thyroid is now in the middle of the range and she is feeling better.
Maddy swims twice a week at the Canine Fitness Center. Once we get to the pool both girls know they have to take a break before we go into the pool area. When we are cleared to go into the pool area they run right into the pool and start swimming for the fish (Dyna) and tennis ball (Maddy). Maddy gets tired during the swim and at the end of the 15 minute swim she is completed tired. They are so familiar with the routine once their time is up in the pool they carry their toys out of the pool walk into the shower and wait to be rinsed and dried off. Coming out of the showers they need to be on a leash otherwise they will walk back into the pool.
Maddy enjoys the foster dogs. She tolerates the young bouncy dogs and seems to enjoy the more settled dogs. She seemed to really like Brady, so the family decision was made to add Mr Brady to the pack.
Maddy hopes everyone is having a great summer. She wants to thank all of the nice people she met at LRR that helped her find her forever home.

August 13, 2011
It has been a little over a year since Maddy and Dyna’s last update. Maddy turned nine in July and Dyna turned four. It has been a busy year.
Maddy still tries to give all of the foster dogs a run for their money chasing after the tennis ball. She has been on and off the disabled list for the last couple of years with a mild case of hip dysplasia and a partially torn knee. She swims twice a week with Dyna. Maddy continues to be a retrieving machine in the pool and knows when we are on our away to the pool at Canine Fitness Center.
In December Maddy was having more than usual difficult y with her back leg and ended up having ACL knee surgery in January. Other than eating her first cast (even with a cone on) and not understanding that she couldn’t climb the stairs or jump on the furniture, Maddy did really well. She occasionally will have some stiffness and difficulty with steps but as soon as she sees a tennis ball or a rabbit in the back yard she is off.
Maddy continues to teach many of the foster dogs’ things that their adoptive families are not going to be pleased with. Maddy is a sweetheart dog and has a great love of life.
Both Maddy and Dyna want to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Summer and to thank all of the nice people at LRR for finding them and helping them to find their forever family.