Happy Tails for Tara (formerly Farrah)
August 25, 2007
Dear LRR,
I wanted to send a quick update on my new life with my wonderful family. I am very happy in my new home with my Mommy, Poppy, and my 4-legged brother Cozmo, who looks a lot like me. I have two 2-legged brothers who come to visit; one is away at college and the other lives in Indiana. My grandmom loves me very much and I am looking forward to meeting my uncle and aunt when they come in September for the NASCAR race.
Cozmo and I play in the yard all day and take naps quite often. He likes to splash in the kiddie pool which is just funny. Mommy makes us doggie ice cream by freezing yogurt and peanut butter, they are our special treats. I have lots of doggie friends, other labs and four basset hounds, and I like to play with everyone. There’s an ice cream truck that comes into the neighborhood. I don’t like the music so I bark to make him go away, it always works.
We have fun doing stuff around the house and yard. I help Mommy with her yoga, I think I’m helping anyway. I like car rides, even to the vet’s office. Our vet is really nice and calls us her “chunks of chocolate”. She has her own labbies at home.
Whew, that’s all for now. Cosmo and I have to go play some more, I’ll write more later. Thank you for giving me a second chance with a great family.
Love, Tara