Happy Tails for Baci (formerly Porgy)
June 30, 2007
Dear LRR,
I have been very busy for the past eight months which is just the way I like it. My Mom, Dad and I are adjusting very well to each other. I have been making lots of doggie and of course human friends in the neighborhood as well.
I enjoy play dates especially with puppies who keep me on my paws. On weekends, we take long hikes which also gives me a chance to play in the water. I also love playing ball with my Dad but he doesn’t get it that I like to retrieve and play “keep away.” He is getting smarter though by using two balls. I am also going on new adventures. We went to the big Apple to visit my grandparents, where I rode in a elevator for the first time. Last week, I also went swimming at the beach which is different. However, I really do not mind just laying around and getting tummy rubs all day long. I get many walks through the day which I do not mind since it gives me a chance to chase down those bunnies and squirrels that always seem a bit out of my reach… But for now I always grab my Mommy’s bunny slippers whenever she is not looking or the stuffed animals on the guest bed, they seem like fair game to me ;)
Also, my Mom has been baking me doggie cookies and muffins. I overheard her say something about a birthday cake in October. But before I get too ahead of myself, I wonder what we will be having for the July 4th bbq… I will let you know as soon as I find out. As you can see, I am a bit of a chowhound which is part of my charm. I have to get going… it is dinner time but I will be in touch soon.
Love, Baci